Friday, December 01, 2017

5 Reasons Writing a Novel is Difficult.

Writing the story, the book, the novel is the easy part. It would all be easy and fun it I never wanted my efforts to see the light of day. But, since I do, I want a career, I'm stuck with the hard part as well.
Beta readers, revisions, editing, query letters, feedback, it's all so helpful and my efforts are better for it. I'm the biggest barricade to my success. These other things are part of that.

Procrastination: I got things to do . None of them are as important as writing.  They shouldn't be. I'd rather be writing. But, I need time to think. I need to relax.  I need time to be myself.

 Time Management: Some writing blogs say pick an hour and write during those same 60 minutes every day. That's nice but I can't do that. I work a swing shift and I'm not available at the same time everyday, week after week. Sometime I only have the time to write on the weekends. I do try to do something writing related everyday. Editing, proofreading, research, reading blogs, watching writing videos, taking notes, brainstorming.  I do something to further my cause.

Story Ideas: I have a lot of ideas.  I'm not sure if any of them are any good. I'm sure some of them are boring as hell. Some of them have been done before. Some of them are stupid.

Life: My mom needs me to do something. My job has raised my hours to 50 a week. Family dinners. My friends need help. I have an event to go to.

Motivation: Rejection is tough. Revisions are tough. Feeback is tough. I do love constructive critisism. Real help. My main motivation is the fininshed work. I love seeing my finished manuscripts and knowing I did that. I wrote them and finished them all by myself.

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