Thursday, July 12, 2018

Self Published Research

I think I'm heading back into the self-publishing trenches.
I know I need to build my author's platform. I have to figure out how to do that.
I have a blog. I have a website. I have Twitter. I need more I guess.
I have three novels in progress. I got a lot to do.
I don't think I can rely on catching the eye of a literary agent. That's too big
of a lottery. I'm not a lucky person but I am talented. Talent only seems to take you
so far. You need some luck.

I think  self-publishing is my only real option. I know that doesn't go anywhere if you
can't make stuff happen. I don't know how to make stuff happen.
More YouTube videos and more Twitter rants. I'll read up on everything.

What else can I do?