Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Query Time 2018 #2

February is my month. I do a major query send out once a year. When that fails, it's back to editing, editors, beta readers and rewriting.

I have accumulated a list of around 30 agents. That's not a lot. I need at least 2o more to feel okay. I took an online publishing class where the agent/instructor reccomended at least 50 agents.  
Last week, some agent on Twitter, said she was putting together a lecture on query letters and wanted examples. I expressed interest and sent my query to her. She wrote back saying she like it for the lecture and she would have it edited for me by the end of the week. Well,
haven't heard from her and I'm still waiting...

I'm almost done with my current editing process. I worked with one editor and two beta readers. I think it's improved my manuscript.  I'm actually looking forward to this querying stage 2018.  I've put a lot of work into these recent edits.

I also need to find new Comp. titles.  The two I have now are not from literature. One is from a movie and the other from a TV show. I'm sure there are a lot of agents that don't like that. "It shows that I'm not well read in my genre."  

Sending out Queries is like walking on the edge of a valcano. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Query Time 2018

It's that time of year again. I have compiled a list of appropriate literary agents (hopefully) 
and I'm working on editing my manuscript...again. 
I've spent the past three months hiring editors to work on my manuscript. Like a 
real professional. 
It's been worth it. I've recieved some helpful feedback. I think the manuscript got a
good clean up. It does read better. I haven't finished the editing work, but I like
it a lot more. Beta Readers say some crazy things. In general, the feedback has been positive. One
of them saying they think my book could become a classic. My target reader for this book are women, 18-40 so that's what I'm picking for beta readers, in general.

I know I have about a 1% chance of getting a literary agent. I have more 
work ahead of me . Now I have to research small publishers and better self-publishing.

I'd rather have a literary agent.