Friday, May 06, 2016

L.V. Writer's Conference

My first ever writer's conference.  Done. Did it. It was a success. I'm considering it a success. I got what I paid for. It's the most money I've ever spent on myself and it was worth it. A friend of mine calls it "investing in myself."
I have a lot of new insight. What worried me was going all the way there and experiencing something that made me rethink everything.  I thought everyone would be worlds ahead of me, that I wouldn't like my ideas anymore...troubling stuff, right?
I found it better than I could have thought. Actually, it was a lot more simple than I thought it would be. I'm not a big talker so I mostly observed and absorbed information. I got a lot of information. Good information. I have a lot to do now.
I love my novels even more now. They're not bad.
I would go to another writer's conference, maybe not so far away. I spent a whole day travelling back to Pitt.

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