Saturday, June 25, 2016

How to Make Things More Difficult

They're working me 48 hours a week on 10-hour shift. Who wants to start their job at 5am one week and then work till 1am the next week?  Not Me!
How do you parallel park?  Really. I need to know.

Next month (July) I'm starting on my 4th, yes 4th novel. I'm so proud of myself , yet so weary.
It's the lack of sleep and mind-numbing long hours.
I don't know whether to continue The Black Queen series (title could change to Obduro) or start on something new, entirely. 
I have ideas for two other stand-alone novels, I'm really excited about them.  No. I can't get excited right now, too exhausted.

There's something about fresh red nail polish.
July also brings the querying period for The Black Queen/Obduro.

Make things more difficult.  

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