Sunday, February 11, 2018

Query Positive

Still gearing up. I'm getting ready for Query round #2 for book #3.  I got a new Query letter. An agent offered  to edit it for me if I agreed to let her use it for some examples on her website. It took her over two weeks to edit it, so who knows when she'll get that up and running.
There are a few more changes I want to make to my manuscript. I am adding a training scene with my MC and her pet raven. I'm adding more introspective moments when she's being held hostage. I'm thinking two parts. I don't think it needs to be too elaborate.
These changes will add a touch more perspective.

I also have to continue writing book #4. So much to do. Book #4 is coming along. My working title is 'The Boyfriend'. This one is contemporary sci-fi.

Always trying something new.

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