Saturday, December 16, 2017

Literary Agent Scavenger Hunt

I got three weeks off from my job, no chores-commitments or mandatory places to what will I be doing???


I want to finish my 4th novel. Ambitious I know. I also need to research new liteary agents for my 3rd book, Q.M.E. Finding new agents that I haven't looked at before is difficult. Reasearching them is difficult. The majority of their profiles (on their websites) are pretty vague. I'm looking for Liteary agents that are looking for: Adult fiction, Commerical, Action/Adventure and Social/Political.
I got all the resources bookmared. I follow Liteary Agents on Twitter and make note of any new faces. #MSWL points toward trends but a lot of Lit. Agents on Twitter say don't write for trends.
I write what I love and what I would like to read. Now, I have to find someone else who loves what I write. I have had one Lit. Agent offer me representation, which was awesome but I'm still looking. Writing the book really is the easy part.

I'm super excited to have this time. I'm going to do my best to make the most of it.

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